Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Why Do I Feel Guilty All the Time?

Are you often taunted or made to feel guilty for things you aren't responsible for? Are people controlling you by inducing feelings of rotten remorse?  Do others make you un sure of yourself with nagging feelings that leave you confused? Yes you are a classic victim of being manipulated by a guilt monger.

There are times when there is a lot of unnecessary time wasted on things which weren't caused by you. When you are in an emotionally abusive relationship, it may take years to understand that the real problem may lie with the other person, rather than yourself. The realization comes through keeping a log of behavior patterns. The person who is causing you all the distress for nothing, usually is an expert in fabricating lies. 

They make broken promises as a ritual, deny even making them and when they goof up and questioned about it react with confusing and hurtful responses like “It breaks my heart to see, you could actually think like that about me!”

Watch out for such energy draining parasites as they consume half your energy by talking in circles. They will never own up to their mistake, would beat about the bush, and address an entire different topic to dodge an obvious problem. They would care next to nothing for your feelings and would do all it takes for you to go do all their dirty work, while making you feel how careless you are with them!

There is no winning with an emotional abuser, the only way out is to spot what tactic they are using against you and talk about it openly on their face. They may give horrific expressions on how twisted the whole idea sounds, but by keeping your ground with a self assured steady stance makes them realize they can’t play around anymore.

While addressing a topic of concern make sure, other blame shifting tactics do not come into play. Be watchful and soon enough with your calm yet assertive stance, all the abuse will melt away into nothingness.

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