Saturday, July 13, 2013

Are you living your life or someone else's?

Going through a peter pan syndrome, I refuse to grow up. Seeing how dull, somber and robotic my elders looked to me as a child I made that pact with myself at a fairly young age. That pact has, since then, faced many yearly amendments.

Over the years with every bit of alteration made to my vow in the name of maturing, I find myself less vibrant, more dissatisfied and increasingly restrained. Was that a matter of sobering up or simply conforming to the will of others?

Certain social expectations not just limited to the female gender alone, only seem pointless, a major inconvenience and simply ridiculous!

Following what is already chalked out for us, we grow increasingly restless and dissatisfied on failing to have met those expectations which weren’t even our aspirations to begin with!

Hypnotically following what influential art throws our way, we take no time to eagerly and readily plant illusory dreams to our eyes which when practiced in real life all seem stilted, artificial and non –rewarding!

Whether it’s a matter of illogical expenditure on weddings, functions, dresses, all in all tailored to display grandeur to an insignificant lot, or staying behind ugly masks of pompous demeanor, we are going against our natural self cloaking self imposed insecurities.

 Professions are adopted just on the preference of their standing in society irrespective of the pressure it loads on an individual or the lack of interest/IQ towards an enforced subject! Disapproval is shown if a contrary opinion is voiced. Since when was plurality of opinion misinterpreted as disobedience?

For whom are we so willingly going against our intrinsic individuality? Instead of owning to what truly makes us unique, we let fear dictate our distinctive self, distorting it all to copy approved mediocrity!

At the risk of being declared an outcast, a misfit the only guard to truly staying focused, content and to at ease is to guard oneself with an impenetrable cloak of indifference.

What are your views to this?  Express your viewpoint freely. No judgment!

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