Friday, July 5, 2013

What is ADHD/ADD?

Children have volumes of energy, what happens when you just can’t seem to control them AT ALL! Many mothers, adults, guardians are unaware that if a child is not listening or unable to be controlled it really may not be the child`s problem at all!
Many exasperated guardians, parents and teachers resort to yelling, screaming and even hitting their children who they think are being disobedient. Sadly, only if they knew that certain children as young as 4 year olds display signs of ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) showing restlessness, talking nonstop and being unable to follow simple instructions, with limited attention span and focus.
It is diagnosed more in the boys than the girls on an average and its management requires a mixture of medical doses, behavior modifications, lifestyle changes and counseling.
Some more of its symptoms show restlessness, being easily distracted with showing lack of focus , switching from one activity to the other, getting easily bored, showing difficulty in  processing information and not seeming to listen when spoken to.
Some behavioral patterns may include fidgeting, squirming constantly in their seats or to be in constant motion, with little tolerance or patience for quiet tasks or activities. A lot of impulsivity and impatience is often observed from those who show more signs of ADHD. Some emotions are shown without restraint and may act without any regard for consequences.
Many parents think that their children show lack of respect when they can’t seem to communicate through with the ones who show these classic signs and symptoms and continue to punish and show harshness instilling feelings of guilt and worthlessness within.
It is to note that despite showing difficult signs due to their condition, the management to such a chronic psychological disorder is achievable with adults adapting control over their impulses with given treatments.
It is to note that parents should be careful to observe such signs within their child as kids as young as 4 years of age may show the above mentioned symptoms to the disorder and if nipped in the bud could be saved from a lot of undeserved harshness , criticism and blame for a condition it has no control over.
Awareness and its treatment should be discussed in detail for parents who are concerned for their young ones as a proper specialist and counselor could give the treatment for its management.  
You may want to watch out, before you decide on losing your temper on a child who may not be necessarily disobedient. Being informed is the first step towards being a responsible and wise parent.

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