Thursday, July 11, 2013

Could I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Being unrecognized as the fourth most common mental disorders, some mild sufferers of OCD may go completely unnoticed. Obsessive Compulsive Disorders are characterized with an anxiety disorder where repetitive behaviors are displayed aimed to reduce anxiety.

The irrational behavior displayed by the people may include repetitive rituals of washing, cleaning, uncontrollable counting, repeated checking, nervous rituals and entering or leaving the room in a particular fashion, to name a few symptoms. The people who undergo this condition find themselves distressed through these uncontrollable fixations where they feel obliged to perform such acts with realizations of their irrational behavior causing them emotional and psychological distress.

Some of the people who are affected by this disorder may appear paranoid and could come across as meticulous or perfectionist, obsessing precision in their work, overly concerned with hygiene and display signs of panic attacks anxiety and depression. The people exhibiting such stress disorder are also known to have strong tendencies towards drug addiction as it may help alleviate their anxiety.

The compulsions may vary from counting steps, specific items, clearing throats, walking or keeping things in a straight line, constantly organizing things or may feel obliged to keep their doors closed, mostly following or observing a ritual or compulsions causing inconvenience to their lives.

The tests which rate the scales for the disorder are the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale where the severity of the symptoms can be assessed.
Help should be taken for the sufferers who display symptoms of this disorder before their condition gets to an untreatable state as results may cause a deep depression, self criticism that may inflict suicidal thoughts within a patients mind, where according to a study a notable 15% have been observed to commit suicide with feelings of hopelessness and weakening of their spirit.

Do you know someone who might be suffering from an anxiety that leaves them helpless with little or no self control over their obsessions, researching and awareness may  help relieve them of their miseries. Play your part and know about a certain disorder before you judge to conclusions as we may not always know what condition our acquaintances, friends, family or loved ones could be suffering from.

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