The lying game
Situations, reasons and consequences compel us to lie.
Either we are fearful or want to avoid a sticky situation we take the aid of an
easy way out by twisting the truth a bit and breathing instant relief. We do it
for many reasons, some get away with it and then there are those who display
certain signs that give away a lie.
Before I point out those little clues which people give away
while lying one should not over look the reasons that supersede a situation.
It’s easier to bulldoze a person without being a good listener. Chances are if
you are tough on a penetrative investigation by cornering someone there can be
higher incentives for them to lie all over again.
The truth about lying is that we all hate being lied to; we
may do it ourselves but the realization that our trust has been broken or we
were thought too naïve to believe a falsehood can not only be enraging but can
also be hurtful. There can be long
periods of resentment that can leave an ugly imprint of skepticism that may
take forever to whitewash.
Lying may not always have a reason some people develop a
chronic habit which can get out of control, getting an adrenaline rush or
getting kicks out of a situation can all too fast become an addiction. Such
pathological lying ultimately becomes a disease which needs to be cured.
However does honesty always prove to be the best policy? I
could stress upon it and self aggrandize my position by saying that yes it is,
but would that not result in a single focus on my own opinions without a
reasoned thought? When we are often blunt with unrestrained commentary to our
thoughts do we not place ourselves into a position where we believe we alone
have all the answers? We may know the real truth but without lacking a room for
some compassion do we not distance ourselves away from purging out the cause
for it?
However for chronic liars here are some give-aways which
should be looked out for if your doubts are being raised for an avoidable
Liars pause while interrogated with a simple
direct query.
They take away eye contact and fail to establish
a steady eye connection.
A person
who is lying is known to touch their face especially the nose.
Looking away, or up could mean they are tapping into
their imagination.
They avoid direct answers and may change the
These are some very basic signs to read, one
must not however jump all to fast to come to a conclusion, a simple
confrontation might allow the person to come clean. One can also confirm their
suspicions by asking more questions and imply politely is the truth could be
one of the possibilities. So watch out for these lie detectors and understand
that even though people may be hiding some secrets ultimately the truth gets
out there.
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